Cistitis en mujeres jóvenes

Health blog


A frequent consultation to pharmacists of Farmacia Campoamor are urinary infections, also called cystitis, in young women. 


Cystitis is the inflammation of urinary bladder. In women, because of the anatomical disposition of urethra, it is very easy that pathogens coming from the outside ascend through it, thus producing infection, many times recurrent, in young women.

The bacteria, responsible for most infections is E.coli —85% of symptomatic infections. This bacteria comes from the digestive tract, and since it also lives in the outer perianal area and, due to its proximity, it can pollute the urethral area.  


Cystitis has a very peculiar clinical picture, which presents the following symptoms: 

  • Cloudy or orange-coloured urine, which normally smells bad. 
  • Low-grade fever sometimes (not always presented).
  • Pain or burning during urination.
  • Pressure or cramping in the low abdominal area (normally in the middle area) or in the back.
  • Urgent need to urinate on a frequent basis, even just after doing it. 
  • In older people, mental changes or confusion, which can be the only symptoms. 

Below information about cystitis is presented by Fundació Puigvert in its website, in case you want further information than that provided in our post:


Usually the treatment for cystitis will be carried out with the antibiotic which your family doctor prescribes you —the use of fosfomycin for minor infections and quinolones for more serious infections.

In case of recurrent infections, very frequent in young women, Farmacia Campoamor recommends the call for an appointment with an urologist, which is specialized in female urology, in order to perform the treatment and to monitore of the patient until her full recovery. 

As an adjunct treatment or in order to prevent infections, lingonberry or cramberry-based complements are very effective. In the following post of our phytotherapy blog, you have further information about the properties and available presentations of blueberry.

Apart from the use of blueberry as a preventive means, hygiene is foundamental. Tbe following recommendations to prevent urinary infections in women are from the National Library of Medicine of the U.S.A., and have been completed by Farmacia Campoamor.

Hygiene/Health recommendations to prevent urinary infections:

  • The use of sanitary towels instead of tampons is recommended, as well as its change everytime you go to the toilet.
  • As a general rule, you must not use either products with perfums in the genital area, or aerosols or intimate care powders. 
  • Taking showers instead of baths. Baths with oils must be avoided.
  • It is important to maintain the genital area clean, above all before and after sexual activity, and it is recommended for your couple to do so.
  • The correct way to clean yourself after going to the toilet is from front to back.
  • It is recommendable to urinate before and after sexual activity.
  • It is advisable to use loose trousers in order to help transpiration. Underwear should be 100% cotton, and should be changed at least once a day.
  • Swimming pools should be avoided and you have to maintain your underwear dry (i.e. change your underwear as soon as possible when sweating after physical activity). 
  • It is necessary to drink a lot of liquids, from 2 to 4 litres a day —do not drink liquids irritating the bladder such as alcohol or  caffeine). Drinking water is recommended.
  • As a means of prevention, do not hold back urine more than 2 hours.

Amapola Munuera

MSc in Pharmacy


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